One thing that didn't occur to me 'til we were half-way to the GIC: it was going to be bright daylight out when we got there. The last time I was able to go to a meeting, it was nice and concealingly dark outside. This time around, not so much. I had no choice but to change and get made up out in the daylight. Eeek!
So after the humiliating fight with my outfit, it was time to get started on my makeup. The first thing I noticed is that I didn't bring any eyeliner. Bummer! I figured I would try and compensate by doing my eyeshadow and mascara a little darker. That's when I noticed I was out of mascara. :P
As I was working on the eyeshadow, T said to
wait just a sec. Up ahead, there was a late teenage boy walking straight
towards us on the sidewalk. The kid was obviously either drunk or
stoned - he could not walk a straight line. T was worried that the
kid had seen me putting on eyeshadow. I put down the compact and tried
to look normal as he passed by my car. I held my breath until he got
past the back of the car, T didn't really relax until the kid was
half-way down the block. Mi prima had my back!
It was another interesting meeting, if only for its
mundaneness. I am always a little surprised - pleasantly surprised -
that for the most part, its no different than any other club meeting.
Linux meetings, political party meetings, cross-dresser meetings, they
all boil down to one thing: a group of people sharing what interests
them. Once you get past the initial "there's a man in women's clothing"
reaction, everything else is extremely familiar.
Anyway, after the meeting, I got back into guy mode, then T and I went home. After stopping for some refreshments at Sonic. Yum!
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