
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Tips for being a transgender ally

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Found an interesting article on InfoBarrel giving tips on how to be an ally for transgender people. There are some excellent tips in this article. One of the ones that I would share with my non-transgender is:

Defend them: If you are witnessing discrimination or harassment in the form of transphobia then speak up; don’t just stand there and let it happen. The more people ignore the issue, the more people are going to think that harassing transgender people is an acceptable behavior and therefore keep doing it!

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Monday, April 15, 2013

The right to be who I want to be...

I have talked quite a few times about already about getting dressed and leaving the house.  It is something that I've wanted to do many times. I jump started myself earlier this year. I got myself dressed up - in what I think isn't a bad way - and made an excursion to my third place, the Gender Identity Center here in Denver. This is where the monthly cross-dressers meetings are held. I've been enough times that I feel very comfortable there. Comfortable enough that I've gone there dressed outside normal meeting times on a number of different occasions.

This pic shows the first time that I went to the GIC during a "normal" day. I know you can't really tell because of the pixelization, but I have a great big smile on my face! Being out, in the middle of the day, going about my business like there was nothing different from me than anyone else. Do you wanna talk about a sense of freedom? A sense of belonging? A sense that whatever others might believe, I have the right to be me!!! It was fantastic, absolutely incredible. Might even say life-changing.
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